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Products compliant with the decree of 07/18/2023
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237 Products
SECU-ONE defense spray with pepper gel handle 100 ml
SECU-ONE pepper gel defense aerosol 100 ml
SECU-ONE pepper gel defense aerosol 25 ml
SECU-ONE pepper gel defense aerosol 50 ml
SECU-ONE pepper gel defense aerosol 75 ml
16" Telescopic Defense Baton
21" Telescopic Defense Baton
26" Telescopic Defense Baton
N14 Wal 14" Telescopic Defense Baton
N16 Wal 16" Telescopic Defense Baton
N20 Wal 20" Telescopic Defense Baton
N21C Quic 21" Telescopic Defense Baton
16" Reinforced Telescopic Defense Baton
21" Reinforced Telescopic Defense Baton
26" Reinforced Telescopic Defense Baton
N21C Quic 21" Reinforced Telescopic Defense Baton
N28C Quic 28" Reinforced Telescopic Defense Baton
SECU-ONE WF 150 flap black Hardshell Private Security Jacket
FIGHTER XMF 120 Tactical Jacket
A10 Equipment Tactical Bob
SECU-ONE Black Private Security Cap
THERMO PERFORMER tactical hat -10°C > -20°C
THERMO PERFORMER tactical hat 0°C > -10°C
Ballistic Shield with Bracket & Window NIJ 3